Tuesday, December 16, 2003

the beach.

this day is stupid. i'm ready to go home and go to sleep. is it 4:30 yet?

last night i had a blast. too much fun was had. it should be a crime. i ended up meeting erich out at the beach. spent way too much money on the jukebox therefore it was an 80's night. played our house by madness about 800 times. i love that song. susan and toby got there later on in the evening and we all watched the spurs game together. fun. fun. fun.

ran into kristopher's boys. they had all heard about the fight/squabble kris and i had gotten into last week. news travels fast in these neck of the woods. hilarious!
everyone ended up going home early so i decided to go with gordon and 747 to la tuna for a beer. boring. we then headed to 007 to see what was going on out there.
they had the upstairs closed due to a private party (lone star cafe's x-mas party).
of course we snuck in and hit that shit up. so much food was had. mmmmm tamales! the entertainment for the night was karaoke. oh hell yeah! of course i had to do some songs. i think the people in the crowd were like, who the hell is this girl? she doesn't work at lone star. hahahahahaha. gordon even sang a song. 747 and i were on the dance floor most of the night. it was insane.

let it be known that:
crashing christmas parties = one fucking fantastic night

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