Monday, February 5, 2007

the w.

woke up tired and unmotivated. i am off today. this morning i went over to the leasing office here @ the complex i live in and told them i REALLY wanted to sublet my place for 6 months - 1 year. (it says in the lease i can do that.) they said my loft would go very fast and since i paid feb. (this month) i can move all my stuff out whenever and then me and the leasing agents can start looking for people to take over my lease.

i think i'm going to start looking for boxes this afternoon. i know i am 29 but i think i am going to stay with my parents for about a month or two to save up and then start looking for a nice place, back in southtown, that i can afford.

the main and only reason i moved into this apartment was because thom and i moved into it together and we could afford it together. well, thom is no longer part of the apartment or my life so ---- yeah ---- time to move on...

goodbye medical center.

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