Monday, December 29, 2003

non deux

Dec. 29th, 2003 | 01:37 pm
i have talked to two males seperately and both had mullets. awesome. i should cut my hair and get like a mini mullet or something. i'd so fucking rock. seriously!!!!!

work is dragging and indeed i do have a case of the mondays. i'm going through the website here at work checking holidays and leave it to texas to have all these damn days off. look for yourself, STATE HOLIDAYS

i swear to god, everytime i write about lou in my live journal all of a sudden he calls me or text messages me. weird. i think he's not a singer in a band... he's a spy... i'm still not going to bring up europe though. the guys are on their way to d.c. right now.... we have text messaged back and forth for the past 45 minutes. my fingers hurt cause my phone is so tiny.

i really don't have anything else to write.. it's lunch time and i am working through it. i need the hours. i just want to thank whoever just microwaved tamales in the breakroom, now the whole fucking building smells like one big giant tamale.

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