Monday, March 15, 2004

subject: fuck you

Mar. 15th, 2004 | 01:37 pm
* the new place is coming along great. i <3 it *

kristopher and i are over

saint pat of la tuna and i went to la tuna last night. it rained and it was beautiful. i <3 outdoor bars. turtle let me be the d.j. and a lot of madness was played.

our house makes me smile. i <3 that song ....

i know some of my close friends are wondering about the kristopher and rose shock break-up.

here is the answer:

pat= white haired 50 somethingish year old man and downstairs neighbor.

pat tells me kris went up to him two nights ago all crazy-like and said, i heard rose is giving you a key to her apartment and pat is like yes that's correct. so kris decided to make it VERY CLEAR to pat that he better not try anything with me and that he (kris) will be over at my place ALL THE TIME.


pat seemed really upset that kris would go that far to do something like that and it was more disrespectful than anything. the only reason i am giving pat my key is because if i get locked out of my place all i have to do is go downstairs to his place and get the spare key.

so last night at la tuna i am sitting with pat and kris constantly keeps calling my phone and pulling a lloyd dobler and checking up on me every 2.5 seconds. it was all too weird. (we were at the same fucking bar. he could have gone up to me.) he once again decided to tell pat shit.

i never answered any of his calls and by the time i checked my messages there was one from him saying he didn't want to talk to me anymore and that it's over (because of pat)


other than that. i'm not sick anymore and my new place rocks!

xoxo, rose

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