Saturday, September 16, 2006

the sat-ur-day

finally some relief. i do not itch anymore (at all) and most of my little red dots on my body are almost completely gone. this scabies thing was so awful! today has been weird though since the moment i woke up i have had the sensation of "something" crawlinfg under my skin. i can feel it in my arms, my legs, even the palm of my hands. eww. eww. eww. what is this? hopefully it's just paranoia. i just cannot get this sensation to leave me alone. -----

other news: downtown = hella packed. (army bowl)

kristopher and i hung out most of the afternoon. we went to visit arthur and patty's crazy ass mansion in government hill. there place is so surreal. it's like something you see on television. it was strange. i actually felt like if i was in that crazy ladies house in great expectations (gwenyth paltrow and ethan hawke one). that paradise perdito house (how the hell did i remember the name to that house, i don't know). arthur and patty's house is so beautiful but the kitchen wall and back wall is knocked out and there is no a.c. in the place and you can see the whole back yard. i mean your standing in someone's kitchen and there is no wall just the back yard. they have 7 dogs and they just come in and out whenever they please. patty tried to persuade me to walk upstairs but the stairs looked so old and had steps missing that i was just to baffled at the idea of attempting to go upstairs that i declined. it is just so beautiful but so ugly at the same time. i mean you can seriously loose yourself in that house going from room to room and staring at all the art and antiques with just piles and piles of crap lying around all the beauty of it.

i'm so sad that i didn't take my camera. :(

i have no idea why i had to write about it but it's just still in my mind. i'm just in shock and in awe that people live in surroundings like that. i'm not dissing them. it just amazes me that they can sleep at night knowing there is no wall in the back and anyone can just walk in, literally .. whenever...

the mansion is a mansion that they have worked on for 9 years already and no where near finished... AMAZING.

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