Thursday, December 28, 2006

holy crap

<div align="center">&nbsp;i think all of you remember not too long ago that my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. after weeks of radiation she is fine now. cancer be gone. one thing that had her really depressed during the whole ordeal was that she missed her sisters. she would cry to me and my sister on how much she missed them and was scared she would never see them again. <br />well! well! well! ......&nbsp; my father just called me right now to let me know that mums 3 sisters are all surprising her tomorrow evening. all 3 of my zia's (aunts)&nbsp; live in italy so my mum will NEVER see this coming. i am so happy and excited. one of the sisters can't make it but c'mon 3 is enough. my mom is going to be shocked.<br />i love how their names all end with an a.... <br />my mum - pia <br />zia - adelina <br />zia - bruna <br />zia - anna maria<br />zia - rita <br /><br />sooooooooooooooooooo excited !!!!<br /><br />let the italian invasion begin !!!</div>

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