Thursday, September 28, 2006

mood: workingworking

last night t.v. wednesday left me feeling, eh! a.n.t.m was pretty lame and project runway really irks me when they don't give someone the boot. i like drama guys! c'mon ....

russ has me so unbelievably peeved right now. we made plans to spend the weekend hanging out. weekend definition -- friday evening to sunday evening. he called me yesterday to cancel for this weekend but to schedule for the next. dude, whatever. so.over.that.

work has been insanely busy lately. i love doing rehab and working in therapy. i have made up my mind to stay in rehabilitation medicine. i'm just stuck between making the decision of pursuing mental health or audiology. i will be sad to leave physical therapy but i doubt that will be anytime soon.

guess this is all. <3, rosie

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


<p>so craving quizno's ... </p>
<p>monday night = dave and tuesday night = veronica guess.&nbsp; </p>
<p>i have lost 9 pounds. incentive! incentive!</p>
<p>tonight! why even leave the house? a.n.t.m. and project runway. yes sir! i love my wed. t.v. night !&nbsp;then again i&nbsp; also love my wednesday dollar lone&nbsp;star nights&nbsp;too.<br /><br /><br /><br /></p>

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

(no subject)

mood: blissfully happy

live journal is all fancypants now and it took me awhile to figure out how to post. 
i'm kind of excited.ecstatic.happy.cheery.loved.jump up for joy type of fool right now.
if i told you why, you would probably just poke fun and i would be a little sad. 
who cares if this even happens. just the possibility has me in a whirlwind. 


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

what a sad day at the hospital !!!!

i heard about this car accident on the radio  on the way to work this morning. i just didn't know they were talking about somebody who worked at the same place as i .....

 ( we got this in our work e-mail this morning)

I am writing this morning with very sad news.  A good man and an excellent neurosurgeon was killed by a drunk driver last night.  Dr. Roman Hlatky, (pronounced lot-key), assistant professor of neurosurgery at the UT Health Science Center and a key member of University Hospital's trauma team, was traveling home from the hospital at about 1:30 a.m. when the crash occurred at I-10 and DeZavala. We are told he died instantly. 
Dr. Hlatky joined the UT Health Science Center faculty approximately two years ago.  He was passionately devoted to improving care for patients with brain trauma, and deeply committed to his patients and our mission. He will be missed greatly.
I have asked that flags at University Health System be flown at half-mast beginning today through the day of his memorial or funeral service. Please join me in offering your thoughts and prayers to Dr. Hlatky's wife and 12-year-old son.
George Hernández

Monday, September 18, 2006

the dearest

mood: sleepy
music: baby doll - cat power

i must start by complaining that it's a monday and i wish i was home in bed sleeping instead of here with patients, daydreaming, staring out the window and watching the rain fall.

this weekend was indeed a delight. weekend started with my usual friday afternoon hour + phone call with russ stuck in l.a. traffic and me being his distraction to cure his boredom. (at least that's what i assume.) friday night my plans for lime light got dismissed for bar america spent time with joey and [info]nessersrocks.
saturday felt a little anti-social so stayed in house cleaning and obsessing on how to move my bedroom furniture. i seriously think i am beginning to suffer from some sort of o.c.d. which involves moving furniture every 10 minutes. (eek!)
yesterday was a little less anti-social but more about the pets and not about doing my daily sunday drive to my parents. decided to do laundry around 8:30 p.m. last night. half way thru doing my laundry at ghetto laundromat that was insanely packed and had the eerie familiarity of feeling like you were in a booty club, the electricity went out. pitch black in laundromat with babies crying and people cursing and no lights outside either. damn thunderstorm. as i started to see my life flash before my eyes, the lights were once again on. (thank you jesus!)
my weekend ended with russ and i texting eachother about flavor of love episodes  and viking hats.
overall good weekend. now back to doing sonogram's on patients. xoxo, rosie.....

Saturday, September 16, 2006

the sat-ur-day

finally some relief. i do not itch anymore (at all) and most of my little red dots on my body are almost completely gone. this scabies thing was so awful! today has been weird though since the moment i woke up i have had the sensation of "something" crawlinfg under my skin. i can feel it in my arms, my legs, even the palm of my hands. eww. eww. eww. what is this? hopefully it's just paranoia. i just cannot get this sensation to leave me alone. -----

other news: downtown = hella packed. (army bowl)

kristopher and i hung out most of the afternoon. we went to visit arthur and patty's crazy ass mansion in government hill. there place is so surreal. it's like something you see on television. it was strange. i actually felt like if i was in that crazy ladies house in great expectations (gwenyth paltrow and ethan hawke one). that paradise perdito house (how the hell did i remember the name to that house, i don't know). arthur and patty's house is so beautiful but the kitchen wall and back wall is knocked out and there is no a.c. in the place and you can see the whole back yard. i mean your standing in someone's kitchen and there is no wall just the back yard. they have 7 dogs and they just come in and out whenever they please. patty tried to persuade me to walk upstairs but the stairs looked so old and had steps missing that i was just to baffled at the idea of attempting to go upstairs that i declined. it is just so beautiful but so ugly at the same time. i mean you can seriously loose yourself in that house going from room to room and staring at all the art and antiques with just piles and piles of crap lying around all the beauty of it.

i'm so sad that i didn't take my camera. :(

i have no idea why i had to write about it but it's just still in my mind. i'm just in shock and in awe that people live in surroundings like that. i'm not dissing them. it just amazes me that they can sleep at night knowing there is no wall in the back and anyone can just walk in, literally .. whenever...

the mansion is a mansion that they have worked on for 9 years already and no where near finished... AMAZING.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

mood: justified
music: destroyer

having scabies is so not fun. come to find out there was actually a scabies outbreak on one of the floors here in the hospital. they are assuming that cause is a patient that we could have handled. hence me and several other people in the therapy/rehab dept. having this god awful "seven year" itch. so not cool. so not cool. i should get a raise ......

the weather in san antonio the past couple of days has been resembling fall a bit. i can not get my hopes up because if i know texas weather tomorrow it will be back in the 100's. right now it's 71 and sunny. quite enjoyable. too enjoyable to be stuck in a smelly hospital.

project runway last night was a little sad. the sunshine has left the building. i can only dream that right after kanye got eliminated he went in search for robert best, where they now live happily ever after making pageant doll dresses for barbie dolls. awwwwww.

i should seriously get back to work now. baci, rosie

5 years ago today this was my journal entry

I spent the evening hanging out with Russ. Unfortunately Mike had to work tonight but Russ was great company. He bought dinner then we drank some beers. He already went to bed. And I'm in the next room doing absolutely nothing. I wish Mike was here.Who knows when he'll be getting out tonight? Hopefully soon...Last night was fun. We spent it in Hollywood. I didn't get to see The Cramps because it was sold out..... The Mutilators were playing in Hollywood and I wanted to see um' but Mike took us to The Devil's Punchbowl. It was alright... Mike ran into his pal Gator so we saw his set. Afterwards this god awful band came on and we decided to leave. We didn't even stick around to see Cattie's set. Oh well.....Today's been a laid back day. This is all.

Monday, September 11, 2006

it's raining in san antonio, AGAIN !

mood: scab-tastic
music: cat power

this is soooo insane. i have scabies. gross !!! i can not believe there are tiny little parasites living in my skin right now. super gross. i went upstairs and saw the doctor and they already prescribed me the cream  and and even an excuse to take the rest of the day off from work. as much as i want to go home and scratch every part of my body i can't. i need the money. my whole body is on fire right now and itches soooooooo much.

oh! and if your wondering  -- the doctor thinks i actually contracted scabies thru one of the patients here in the physical therapy dept. ewwww.ewwww.ewwwww.

Friday, September 8, 2006

no subject

why do i feel the need to "blog" everytime it rains in san antonio? maybe because it's so few and far between that i want the proof that it actually did rain.

my dog must be completely bored. he is barking at himself in the mirror. now he is growling at himself. silly mastiff. stormy is asleep at my feet.

i just want to push him off and stretch my legs but i just can't do it.&nbsp; speaking of stormy, my cat loves me so much that he left me a severed squirrel head on the doormat.

nice to look down too when your walking in the door tired, slamming your cell phone in your purse and looking for house key. russ called me out of the blue this evening and we talked for what must have been an hour/ maybe hour and a half. he called when he was stuck in l.a. traffic and when we hung up he was still stuck in l.a. traffic. having only moved 17 miles. geezus! i told him about the hilton in las vegas that had that god awful star trek casino side where everything was trekkie and scary. he didn't believe me. oh! it's so true.

i want to go buy movies, thrift, walk the target aisles, buy sudoku books, buy a dessert of some sort. why must i live on this side of town? nothing is fun.................................

mood: not well

i have some sort of stomach bug/ailment/what not. i lasted only one hour at work today. drove home holding my stomach and praying it wouldn't explode on me on the drive home. last night thom cooked us dinner. did he poison me? oh listen to me rant on about the possibility of my boyfriend trying to poison me. silly girl. i think there's a bug going around.

there is a little brown mouse loose inside my house. where did he come from? i have no idea. my first sighting was yesterday morning. he startled me so badly that my cup of honey & mint tea crashed on the floor breaking my little tea cup into pieces. right now he is hiding behind a brick in the fireplace. i am useless when it comes to things like this. i do not want to go near it nor participate in any way,shape,or form of the capture of that little mouse. my cat stormy is useless. he's been asleep for the past 5 hours. my dog gulliver is such a goofball that mouse could probably out wit him.

sick home and stuck with a  mouse in the house. ---

how entertaining !

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

(no subject)

 location: hospital

mood: tranquil
music: luno - bloc party vs. death fr. above 1979

i cannot believe we are in the month of september already. this year went by so fast. thom & i turn two years in november. wow. crazy. today feels surreal. it's hard to believe that when i'm outside i can look up and see grey skies and rain. pure bliss. i haven't seen texas rain in such a long time it feels good to have it back. this weekend was relaxed. lots o' family time. my father still hasn't started his chemo and it was nice to see him as his usual self just talking, smiling, eating ... his cancer was stage 2 grade 4. mum's was stage 1.  as for the friends part of my weekend. i had a full day of quality time with dave (magicwaffles). also the very lovely yet hungover veronica guess (who deleted her live journal) graced us with her presence and even purchased some of my old vintage dresses and skirts i had for sale. i heart her so. this is all. <3, rosie

Sunday, September 3, 2006

he doesn't look a thing like jesus

my dog is insane. he gets a little too happy/excited when we have visitors over. he needs to find an alternate way of expressing his happiness that does not involve urinating on the guest bedroom floor. we noticed we only have these accidents when visitors come over. if it's just tom &amp; i at home (which is basically everynight, this never happens.) grrrrrrrrr. in other news my jetta decided to die on me today. this means i have to ask tom to borrow his car until mine gets fixed. i really hating asking him for anything cause he is the type of person that will hold it over my head until i have my car back. this is my saturday night. i could walk over to the nearest bar in my neighborhood to at least socialize and i have a drink but do i really want to go to a bar that's called, <em>the other woman</em>. I think I'll just stay home and indulge in more HGTV, maybe even call tom to bring me some cheese cake from the restaurant. happy saturday.